Ah, the dream of Robotaxis…

We were promised revolutionary transportation systems. Jetpacks, Hyperloop, delivery drones, flying cars, robotaxis, and most importantly, the end of traffic! But what is the current state of autonomous vehicles and robotaxis? Are they what the companies have promised? Are they what our society needs?

Robotaxi.rodeo is a collection of information on robotaxis, grouped by category. The content was written by multiple authors to cover multiple points of view. The posts cover the technology, history, societal impact, business issues, and more.

All of our content can be accessed by category, using links in the menu at the very top of this and every page. First, take a look at All posts page to see all of posts, regardless of category. Then, if desired, you can winnow down the posts to just the ones in a desired category. A popular category is the Crash one, which has in depth analysis on some of the robotaxi crashes. And of course you can search for particular posts using the search link in the menu.

Robotaxi.rodeo is non-commercial and will not show ads.

If you have questions or would like to contribute information to this site, please email us at info@robotaxi.rodeo .

Cruise “safety” compilation, courtesy of SafeStreetRebel
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