Wall Street Journal – The Hidden Autopilot Data That Reveals Why Teslas Crash
Editors note: fascinating how WSJ investigators were able to obtain video showing flaws with the Tesla “AutoPilot” system resulting in a large number of crashes and deaths. They make the clear point that Tesla not using LiDAR sensors was a deadly mistake (by Elon Musk) that cannot be overcome. The videos contain excellent analysis by the AV experts Missy Cummings and Philip Koopman.
See original article by Wall Street Journal
Video and data gathered by the Wall Street Journal from over 200 Tesla Autopilot crashes reveals that longstanding concerns about Tesla’s camera-based technology, which differs from the rest of the industry, are showing up on the roads and putting the public at risk.
The Hidden Autopilot Data That Reveals Why Teslas Crash
How hackers and mechanics unearth Tesla’s hidden “AutoPilot” data
See original article by Wall Street Journal