WSJ – Tesla Finance VP Departs in Latest Executive Exit at Automaker
Editors note: Tesla does not have a serious future, as indicated by an exodus of important executives. They certainly don’t believe in the future being based on robotaxis and AI. So why do enough stock holders still think so???
See original article by Becky Peterson at WSJ
Exodus of longtime leaders comes as company confronts uncertainty in core EV business
Tesla’s head of finance operations has left the company, further shuffling the electric-vehicle maker’s top ranks after several longstanding leaders departed amid a restructuring in the spring.
Tesla Vice President Sreela Venkataratnam, an 11-year veteran of the company, said Wednesday in a post on LinkedIn that she would take time off work after stepping down from her role.
The goodbye letter on LinkedIn:
After 11 incredible years, I bid farewell to Tesla. Reflecting on this journey, it has been nothing short of extraordinary.
I joined as Director of Finance Operations in early 2013, when Tesla was a company with less than $1B in yearly revenues, a market cap of ~$4B and less than 3000 cars delivered in a year. Leaving as a Vice President (one of only two women VPs in the company) with annual revenues soaring close to $100B, market cap to $700B (reaching $1T during the pandemic) and cars delivered in a year to more than 1.8 million, I am proud of how much we’ve achieved together.
In my strategic role, I had the privilege to contribute to the ramp-up of the Model S, Model X, Model 3, Model Y, the Cybertruck and the construction of several new factories. I was also deeply involved in the growth of our Energy products. Our team played a pivotal role in disrupting multiple industries with innovative solutions, notably transforming the DMV process to fully automate car buying and registration in numerous states.
We also meticulously managed cash flow to support our rapid growth and expansion. We ensured that Tesla could invest in scaling operations globally, including new markets across Europe, China, and several other regions, thereby building a truly global presence. We constructed a world-class, transformative and lean organization by implementing new systems and streamlining operations across order management, HR, payroll, time management, and supplier management to name a few.
I am profoundly grateful to the incredible champions, including some who are no longer with the company, my teammates and colleagues who supported me and my team throughout this journey. Your integrity, dedication and collaboration were instrumental in our shared success.
As I take a break to spend quality time with family, reconnect with old friends, and focus on personal well-being, I am energized for what lies ahead. When the time is right, I am hopeful that I will be fortunate to find another incredible opportunity like Tesla, where I can drive impactful change and contribute to a meaningful mission with exceptional people.
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this remarkable chapter. Here’s to new beginnings and future adventures!Sreela Venkataratnam
Vice President, Finance and Business Operations at Tesla
See original article by Becky Peterson at WSJ