Dawn Project

The Dawn Project was founded by Dan O’Dowd, the world’s leading expert in creating software that never fails and can’t be hacked. Dan created the secure operating systems for projects including Boeing’s 787s, Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Fighter Jets, the Boeing B1-B Intercontinental Nuclear Bomber, and NASA’s Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle. Dan has been a pioneer of making safety-critical software systems unhackable since his days at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Dan graduated from Caltech in 1976 with a Bachelors of Science in Engineering. Now Dan is a recipient of the Caltech Distinguished Alumni Award, which is the highest honorary which Caltech bestows upon a graduate. Dan’s expertise in creating the most secure operating systems in the world led him to found The Dawn Project, which is dedicated to making computers truly safe for humanity.

New Dawn Project Safety Tests Reveal Tesla FSD Still Runs Down Child-Sized Mannequins

See full original article and more at DawnProject.com New safety tests conducted by The Dawn Project reveal the dangers Tesla Full Self-Driving poses to child pedestrians, and finds that Elon Musk’s Full Self-Driving software repeatedly runs down child-sized mannequins in its path. The safety tests were conducted in Goleta, California…

Read MoreNew Dawn Project Safety Tests Reveal Tesla FSD Still Runs Down Child-Sized Mannequins
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