Michael Smith

Transportation and disability advocate. Created and administer the site Robotaxi.rodeo . Co-founded Walk San Francisco (walkSF.org), Swiftly (goSwift.ly), and NextBus (NextBus.com). Working to make transportation accessible and safe for all. Been disabled by serious long COVID since 2022.

High-speed crash due to red-light runner AND Cruise stopping inappropriately

Crash Analysis: 8/18/23 Cruise vehicle crashed with other vehicle at 26th St & Mission St in San Francisco. When a Cruise vehicle detects a problem it stops for “safety”. But this crash shows that doing so can actually be incredibly dangerous and result in serious damage. Cruise never acknowledged the dangerous behavior and apparently never addressed it.

Read MoreHigh-speed crash due to red-light runner AND Cruise stopping inappropriately

A Cruise somehow ran into a very large bus

Crash analysis: on 3/23/23 a Cruise vehicle crashed into the rear of an articulated Muni bus while traveling on Haight Street in San Francisco. Cruise claimed that the problem was due to poor speed prediction of the articulated bus, and that they fixed the problem via a software recall. But this analysis shows that they were not being truthful and that the danger might still exist.

Read MoreA Cruise somehow ran into a very large bus

Cruise turns left and stops right in path of oncoming vehicle resulting in collision

Crash Analysis: on 6/3/2022 a Cruise robotaxi was traveling eastbound on Geary Blvd. At Spruce St the Cruise made a left turn. Before completing the left turn the Cruise stopped in the path of an oncoming car, resulting in a collision. Cruise was very misleading about the cause of the crash.

Read MoreCruise turns left and stops right in path of oncoming vehicle resulting in collision