News Republisher

Scouring the news for interesting articles on robotaxis.

Business Insider – Tesla prioritizes Musk’s and other ‘VIP’ drivers’ data to train self-driving software

Article from Business Insider on how Tesla skews the data processing for their FSD system such that Elon Musk and "influencers" receive priority. This of course results in Musk and the influencers experiencing a completely skewed reality, which means that their statements on FSD are simply invalid.
Read MoreBusiness Insider – Tesla prioritizes Musk’s and other ‘VIP’ drivers’ data to train self-driving software

Washington Post – Cyclists can’t decide whether to fear or love self-driving cars

Washington Post reports that "cyclists can't decide whether to fear or love self-driving cars" and then reports that most cyclists really don't think they are safe. Peculiar. They should have mentioned that the real problem with robotaxis is that it just means more cars, and all cars are a problem.
Read MoreWashington Post – Cyclists can’t decide whether to fear or love self-driving cars

Treasure Island Mobility Management Agency Approves AV Shuttle Pilot Final Report

The San Francisco County Transportation Authority provides a final report for their Treasure Island autonomous shuttle test. While safe because the shuttle ran so slowly, the autonomous shuttle technology was found to be unreliable . The existing human driven 25-Treasure Island bus provides much more useful service and should be enhanced.
Read MoreTreasure Island Mobility Management Agency Approves AV Shuttle Pilot Final Report