News Republisher

Scouring the news for interesting articles on robotaxis.

Jalopnik – Rogue Tesla Hits Other Cars Before Driving Off Rooftop With 2 Passengers Inside

Jalopnik reports on a Tesla going out of control on the top deck of a parking garage, speeding over speed bumps, hitting multiple cars, and then flying off the end of the building. Has not yet been ascertained whether the Tesla was in a assisted driving mode at the time. But it sure looks suspect. The passengers survived.

Read MoreJalopnik – Rogue Tesla Hits Other Cars Before Driving Off Rooftop With 2 Passengers Inside

OregonLive – ‘Self-driving’ Tesla blasts through stop sign, sparks one of Oregon’s 1st autonomous-driving lawsuits

OregonLive reports on how lawsuits on Tesla's "Self-driving" system are reaching a crescendo. Still, Tesla is usually coming out unscathed due to them successfully blaming the driver for foolishly believing that FSD is actually Self Driving.

Read MoreOregonLive – ‘Self-driving’ Tesla blasts through stop sign, sparks one of Oregon’s 1st autonomous-driving lawsuits

elektrek – Tesla preps a remote control team for robotaxi – taking a page out of Waymo’s book

1) Tesla is acknowledging they cannot create level-5 autonomy and that instead teleoperation needs to be used; 2) they currently do not have teleoperation infrastructure; and 3) they don't seem to understand that one cannot remotely drive a vehicle, but instead can only give instructions, as Waymo does.

Read Moreelektrek – Tesla preps a remote control team for robotaxi – taking a page out of Waymo’s book