News Republisher

Scouring the news for interesting articles on robotaxis.

Reuters – California agency boosts reporting requirements for autonomous vehicle incidents

Reuters reports that the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is finally requiring the robotaxi companies to report critical information on incidents. Instead of reporting being optional once past the test phase of an implementation, it will be mandatory to report collisions and when vehicles simply get stuck in traffic or receive tickets.

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Business Insider – Inside ‘Project Rodeo,’ the Tesla effort pushing the limits of self-driving technology

Business Insider reports on how Tesla is requiring test drivers to test Full [sic] Self Driving on public roads - and not take over if at all possible when mistakes occur. The result is that Tesla has been endangering the public by running red lights, speeding, and getting far too close to pedestrians and bicyclists.

Read MoreBusiness Insider – Inside ‘Project Rodeo,’ the Tesla effort pushing the limits of self-driving technology