
The news media has expended considerable effort researching and publishing information about the robotaxi business. This channel highlights some of the important articles.

Forbes – Buttigieg Seeks Robocar Safety. Here’s How He Should Do It

See full original article by Brad Templeton at Forbes. In the wake of the recent tumultuous period for General Motors’ Cruise robotaxi unit, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigeieg recently declared, “We’re going to do everything we can with the authorities we do have, which are not trivial,” to ensure self-driving vehicles…

Read MoreForbes – Buttigieg Seeks Robocar Safety. Here’s How He Should Do It
Burning Planet

In Which We Find More Evidence the CPUC Is Thoroughly Captured

See original article by Sue Vaughan at Burning Planet, which contains more useful articles about climate change and transportation. The California Public Utilities Commission is now reneging on a possible evaluation of the environmental impacts of Waymos and Cruises – and other commercial autonomous vehicles that may be authorized to…

Read MoreIn Which We Find More Evidence the CPUC Is Thoroughly Captured

Euro NCAP Safety Tests Paint A Clear Picture Of Tesla’s Self-Driving Systems – But Not The One That Tesla Likes To Portray

See full original article and more at Tesla supporters frequently point to Euro New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP)’s tests of Tesla vehicles to claim that Tesla vehicles are far safer than other manufacturers, and that Tesla’s active safety systems protect those around them. Elon Musk himself has relied on Euro NCAP’s…

Read MoreEuro NCAP Safety Tests Paint A Clear Picture Of Tesla’s Self-Driving Systems – But Not The One That Tesla Likes To Portray
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