
The news media has expended considerable effort researching and publishing information about the robotaxi business. This channel highlights some of the important articles.

Business Insider – Inside ‘Project Rodeo,’ the Tesla effort pushing the limits of self-driving technology

Business Insider reports on how Tesla is requiring test drivers to test Full [sic] Self Driving on public roads - and not take over if at all possible when mistakes occur. The result is that Tesla has been endangering the public by running red lights, speeding, and getting far too close to pedestrians and bicyclists.

Read MoreBusiness Insider – Inside ‘Project Rodeo,’ the Tesla effort pushing the limits of self-driving technology

Jalopnik – Tesla Using ‘Full Self-Driving’ Hits Deer Without Slowing, Doesn’t Stop

Jalopnik reports on how a Tesla on FSD hit and killed deer, and then didn't even stop the car. This crash was due to the Tesla relying on only a vision system instead of 3D sensors such as LiDAR or ultrasonic. If FSD cannot detect a deer it certainly won't be able to see pedestrians in similar situations.

Read MoreJalopnik – Tesla Using ‘Full Self-Driving’ Hits Deer Without Slowing, Doesn’t Stop

Washington Post – Crashes involving Tesla’s Full Self-Driving prompt new federal probe

Washington Post reports on how the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is now investigating four Tesla crashes where "Full Self Driving" was engaged. All crashes occurred when there were visibility issues. These suggest that Tesla only using computer vision instead of LiDAR is insufficient for autonomous driving. And this is of course extremely pertinent given that Tesla's stock price is now based on robotaxis, which are in turn based on technology which Tesla does not have and is not pursuing.

Read MoreWashington Post – Crashes involving Tesla’s Full Self-Driving prompt new federal probe