
Robotaxis are not just limited by weak technology. They unfortunately also don’t make any business sense…


Fortune – Top Tesla analyst shocks market with prediction that volumes will drop, prompting stock swoon to 10-month low

Article from Fortune on how Tesla is no longer a "red-hot growth stock." This article is pertinent because it shows how Tesla is getting desperate, which of course will affect how they try to further monetize FSD and Auto Pilot, perhaps before they are ready.

Read MoreFortune – Top Tesla analyst shocks market with prediction that volumes will drop, prompting stock swoon to 10-month low

Bloomberg – How Apple Sank About $1 Billion a Year Into a Car It Never Built

In depth article from Bloomberg on the history of the Apple car project. Describes how Apple tried to outdo everyone else and start with Level 5 autonomy. That was one of their many mistakes. Also, interesting that Steve Jobs was apparently first to raise idea of an Apple car. Also, Apple considered buying Tesla at one point, and considered partnering with various automobile companies to actually manufacture the vehicle. But the biggest problem was indecision.

Read MoreBloomberg – How Apple Sank About $1 Billion a Year Into a Car It Never Built