Clearly the robotaxi company with the weakest sensors, the worst software, and the most deranged CEO. Fortunately reality has not been tainted by an actual robotaxis implementation, though long promised by their leader…
Reuters reports on how the Trump transition team is trying to eliminate the requirement for Tesla to provide data on just how dangerous their "self-driving" system actually is.
Fortune reports on how GM pulling the plug on Cruise shows just how hard it is for automakers to succeed with robotaxis. Tesla stockholders should take note.
elektrek announces that Tesla is losing yet another critical long-term employee. This time it is the head of Autopilot and FSD HW engineering. Why would the head of AV hardware leave Tesla when they are supposedly lsoon to make billions of dollars off of their robotaxi business???
Reuters reports that Tesla has come to the realization that FSD won't actually be adequate for robotaxis and that teleoperation will be needed. Tesla also explains that originally the robotaxis would be owned by Tesla, not by individuals as described earlier.
Jalopnik reports on a Tesla going out of control on the top deck of a parking garage, speeding over speed bumps, hitting multiple cars, and then flying off the end of the building. Has not yet been ascertained whether the Tesla was in a assisted driving mode at the time. But it sure looks suspect. The passengers survived.
Teslarati reports that Tesla faked yet another demo, but the fanboys ate it up as they always do. Once again, Tesla proves itself to not be a tech or AI company, but instead just a colossal grift.
OregonLive reports on how lawsuits on Tesla's "Self-driving" system are reaching a crescendo. Still, Tesla is usually coming out unscathed due to them successfully blaming the driver for foolishly believing that FSD is actually Self Driving.
1) Tesla is acknowledging they cannot create level-5 autonomy and that instead teleoperation needs to be used; 2) they currently do not have teleoperation infrastructure; and 3) they don't seem to understand that one cannot remotely drive a vehicle, but instead can only give instructions, as Waymo does.
It is remarkable that Tesla will take out a patent on an idea that they have no hope or intention of building, and fan-boys will write about it as if it is some great new product.
Paris Marx reports in dazeen how we are currently going through yet another hype cycle with self-driving cars. This will definitely not help solve our transportation issues.
Jalopnik reports in how a Wall Street analyst wrongly thinks that robotaxis will be less expensive than regular cars due to steering wheel and pedals not needed