
Clearly the robotaxi company with the weakest sensors, the worst software, and the most deranged CEO. Fortunately reality has not been tainted by an actual robotaxis implementation, though long promised by their leader…

Tesla crash and fire

The Verge – Elon Musk says Tesla will reveal its robotaxi on August 8th

4/5/24 was a really bad day of news for Tesla. There were articles on how badly Tesla is doing financially, how they have cancelled their much needed low-cost model, how Musk claimed that model hasn't been canceled, and how no other companies are interested in FSD. So of course Musk makes another absurd announcement to distract attention. Suddenly FSD will actually work, they will achieve full Level 4 autonomy, and the Tesla Robotaxi will be unveiled on 8/8/24. Just absurd.
Read MoreThe Verge – Elon Musk says Tesla will reveal its robotaxi on August 8th

Reuters – Exclusive: Tesla scraps low-cost car plans amid fierce Chinese EV competition

Reuters is first to report that Tesla has cancelled their much need entry-level $25k Tesla model. This information is based on multiple sources and internal company messages that were seen by Reuters. Soon after Tesla CEO Elon Musk provided conflicting information, but everyone knows that his statements are completely unreliable. Other articles with statements by Musk are available here at robotaxi.rodeo .
Read MoreReuters – Exclusive: Tesla scraps low-cost car plans amid fierce Chinese EV competition

Quartz – Elon Musk offered Tesla’s Full Self-Driving system to other automakers. No one took him up on it

As Tesla prospects falter Elon Musk tried his old trick of hyping Full Self Driving (FSD) by offering it to rival car manufacturing companies. The newsworthy part is that no other companies have expressed any interest in FSD, likely because it is a pathetic and unsafe product.
Read MoreQuartz – Elon Musk offered Tesla’s Full Self-Driving system to other automakers. No one took him up on it

Fortune – Top Tesla analyst shocks market with prediction that volumes will drop, prompting stock swoon to 10-month low

Article from Fortune on how Tesla is no longer a "red-hot growth stock." This article is pertinent because it shows how Tesla is getting desperate, which of course will affect how they try to further monetize FSD and Auto Pilot, perhaps before they are ready.
Read MoreFortune – Top Tesla analyst shocks market with prediction that volumes will drop, prompting stock swoon to 10-month low
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