Clearly the robotaxi company with the weakest sensors, the worst software, and the most deranged CEO. Fortunately reality has not been tainted by an actual robotaxis implementation, though long promised by their leader…
The Verge reports that Elon Musk is still avoiding the most basic question on the supposed Tesla robotaxi: will it have a steering wheel? If not, as has been hinted, then there would be incredibly long delays due to regulatory issues.
Washington Post reports on how Tesla claims of 'self-driving' cars is now being called, by some, "fraud". An excellent article that explains the legal jeopardy that Tesla has been placed into by its CEO.
Inside EVs reports that the Tesla robotaxi reveal has been delayed by a couple of months. Importantly, they also cast doubts on Tesla being able to create a robotaxi in the first place.
Bloomberg reports that for now the Tesla robotaxi "introduction" has been delayed until October. Supposedly Tesla needs more time to "build additional vehicle prototypes", though of course they likely don't have any prototypes now, nor will they in October.
Article from Business Insider on how Tesla skews the data processing for their FSD system such that Elon Musk and "influencers" receive priority. This of course results in Musk and the influencers experiencing a completely skewed reality, which means that their statements on FSD are simply invalid.
Bloomberg opinion piece on how Tesla meeting Q2 sales projections hid a great deal of underlying bad financial news. And investors, at least some, are still falsely expecting Elon to magically pull a robotaxi rabbit out of a hat.
Lidar is essential for a safe robotaxi system since computer vision is completely inadequate for detecting certain objects, such as pedestrians at night, or even large semi-trucks crossing the road. But Elon Musk and Tesla are actively refusing to work towards creating a safe autonomous vehicle system.
AZFamily 5 reports on how a grandmother loaded her grandchild into a Tesla and walked around to the drivers door but was locked out due to battery having died without sending any warning notifications. Such a safety failure could have easily been deadly.
CNBC reports on Elon Musk's absurd claims that Tesla could be a $25 trillion company. It also reports on how the Tesla Optimus program has only so far put out faked demos.
Quartz reports on the fantasy that Tesla stock could rise to $2,600 in five years due to their vaporware robotaxi system. Rather shocking that anyone would believe this.