
Clearly the robotaxi company with the weakest sensors, the worst software, and the most deranged CEO. Fortunately reality has not been tainted by an actual robotaxis implementation, though long promised by their leader…

Reuters – Exclusive: In Tesla Autopilot probe, US prosecutors focus on securities, wire fraud

Reuters reports that Tesla's statements on their autonomous vehicles is now being investigated as possible securities or wire fraud by misleading investors and consumers about its vehicles' self-driving capabilities. This will not end well.

Read MoreReuters – Exclusive: In Tesla Autopilot probe, US prosecutors focus on securities, wire fraud

Fortune – Elon Musk reportedly sacked Tesla’s entire Supercharger team, including his top female manager

The Fortune article is important because it reports that he wasn't just dismissing Rebecca Tinucci, who was the executive in charge of Supercharger operations and also Tesla's highest ranking woman executive at Tesla. The entire Supercharger team of 500 employees is getting the boot! And the Supercharger operation is highly successful and critical to Tesla sales. This is yet another highly counterproductive move by Musk.

Read MoreFortune – Elon Musk reportedly sacked Tesla’s entire Supercharger team, including his top female manager
Elon Musk

SF Chronicle – Elon Musk announces fresh layoffs at Tesla, going ‘hard core about headcount’

Three key execs jumped ship in the last few weeks, 14,000+ employees laid off, plus the CFO left in August. And today it is announced that two additional key execs are pushed out along with hundreds of subordinates. Rebecca Tinucci was the senior director of Tesla’s Supercharger division and the highest ranking woman executive at Tesla. The Supercharger has been Tesla's greatest success and other EV manufactures have had to adapt to its standard. It has also been key in Tesla sales because having many chargers alleviates range anxiety. Daniel Ho was the head of the new vehicles program and was with Tesla for almost 11 years after being at Ford for over 12 years. If Tesla was going to bring out a new lower cost Tesla then Ho would have been the one doing it.

Read MoreSF Chronicle – Elon Musk announces fresh layoffs at Tesla, going ‘hard core about headcount’
Tesla crash and fire

Investors excited by Tesla flimflammery, while execs clearly see the impending disaster

The recent Tesla earnings call clearly showed that the company was having serious problems. Yet enough investors bought into the hype of the new low-cost vapor car to increase the price. At the same time important execs are leaving the company, and one in a very spectacular vote of no confidence. When will investors realize they've been hoodwindked?

Read MoreInvestors excited by Tesla flimflammery, while execs clearly see the impending disaster

TechCrunch – Tesla Autopilot investigation closed after feds find 13 fatal crashes related to misuse

Editors note: this article is useful because it provides more details on the NHTSA findings. In particular, the NHTSA stated evidence that “Tesla’s weak driver engagement system was not appropriate for Autopilot’s permissive operating capabilities.” See full original article by Sean O’Kane of TechCrunch The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration…

Read MoreTechCrunch – Tesla Autopilot investigation closed after feds find 13 fatal crashes related to misuse

Bloomberg – Elon Musk’s Robotaxi Dreams Plunge Tesla Into Chaos

This article was published by Bloomberg just two days before Tesla's Q1 24 earnings call. It shows exactly how poorly Tesla was executing, with sales and revenue down significantly. But then on the Q1 call Musk states some fantasies about how their robotaxi and low cost Tesla would come out soon and the stock soared by 40%. Will be very interesting if the SEC pursues Musk for making false statements to investors.

Read MoreBloomberg – Elon Musk’s Robotaxi Dreams Plunge Tesla Into Chaos
Tesla crash and fire

The Verge – Elon Musk says Tesla will reveal its robotaxi on August 8th

4/5/24 was a really bad day of news for Tesla. There were articles on how badly Tesla is doing financially, how they have cancelled their much needed low-cost model, how Musk claimed that model hasn't been canceled, and how no other companies are interested in FSD. So of course Musk makes another absurd announcement to distract attention. Suddenly FSD will actually work, they will achieve full Level 4 autonomy, and the Tesla Robotaxi will be unveiled on 8/8/24. Just absurd.

Read MoreThe Verge – Elon Musk says Tesla will reveal its robotaxi on August 8th